Tag Archives: Pamphlet flyer

The formats for diffusion of the outputs of the research

Curatorial and cybermedia in an extended field; Reproductive, interactive practices

Genealogy : critical thinking, critical studies, critical theory (from EU to US back)

Materialist philosophy, praxis.

In critical theory the question about the means of diffusion are focused on the means of technical reproduction. (Benjamin : The author as producer…)

Vertov, Eisenstein. Diffusion on train. Agit prop.

Praxis means to question historical elements (facts, behaviours, situations) in the past and present.

(Cf Straub and Huillet, Trop tôt trop tard, film. Reading of the texts on poverty in the peasant condition in France by Engels. Precise title to follow)

Tract, Poster, Broadcast program, Postcard, Stencil, Stamp, Printed matter, ephemera, Oral history, Blog, Website, Lecture, Conference, Banner, Flag, Wiki, Database, Library, Archive, Virus, Tutorial, Manual, Performance, Cooking, Project space, Community Center, Association, School, Co-working space, Distribution Platform, Exhibition /Installation, Workshop, Reading group, Sit-in, Manifesto, Abécédaire, Glossary, List, Kiosque, Guided tour, Fanzine, Contribution to journal, Contribution to peer-reviewed journal, Play, Game, Service, Mailing List, Translation, Teaching curriculum, Interactive timeline, Dialog, interview, conversation, Maps mapping cartography, Reenactment Activation, Artefact, Pamphlet flyer, Collection, Model, Plan, App